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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Achieving, Learning and Growing Together’

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Westonzoyland Primary School.

Westonzoyland Primary School and Pre-School actively seeks to provide an inclusive education where we value everyone and aim to nurture and develop happy, fulfilled, responsible and independent individuals.


Children with Special Educational Needs and / or disabilities may have additional learning, access or medical needs that call for special provision to be made in school. Many children may have a special educational need at some point in their lives, however children have a learning difficulty / need if: 

  • They have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age.
  • They have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of the educational facilities that are provided for children of the same age.


The early identification and initial assessment of children with special needs is important when providing support and intervention. The school encourages close liaison with parents and wherever possible to involve children in target-setting and reviews.


The school aims to provide an environment that focuses on;

  • High quality teaching and learning
  • Effective early interventions
  • Clear outcomes for the child
  • Raising aspirations for pupils


The  SENDCo (Special Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator) is responsible for the operational management of the special needs provision in the school. The School SENDCo is Mrs Vicki Bell.

The Governing Body has a delegated member who ensures that all systems for provision and monitoring are robust. This is Mrs Amy Saturley.




Please read the following leaflet for more details about the SEND provision at Westonzoyland.

Our School SEND Governor & SENDCo




Our SEND Governor is Amy Saturley and our School Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Vicki Bell.  Mrs Bell fulfills SENDco duties during the afternoons throughout the week. 

Mrs Bell overseas the strategic SEND work and parent/ carers will see her for reviews and feedback. Mrs Bell is available to meet by appointment, in advance. All day to day matters are managed through the child's class teacher.  If you have require an appointment with Mrs Bell, please contact the school office or send a message via the following link.


If you wish to contact Vicki Bell, please use the form below.

SEND Information Report



Please read the following report which explains, in detail, how we deliver SEND provision at Westonzoyland Primary School. This is updated annually to ensure that it reflects the most up to date provision.                                  

SEND school policies


A number of policies and procedures have been implemented to ensure that children with SEND have their needs met.

The schools SEND and Inclusion policy specifically relates to SEND provision. Further to this, our behaviour policy supports the schools inclusive ethos by ensuring specific needs are catered for. Our Medical Care and First Aid policy is also available to demonstrate how we manage specific medical needs at Westonzoyland.

Useful services for parents/families:


Somerset Local Offer

Information regarding the Local Offer can be found on the Somerset Choices website, the link for which is:


Somerset Parent Carer forum

( This is an umbrella organisation for all parents and carers of children and young people with SEND, disabilities and complex medical needs. They work with Somerset Local Authority, education, health and other professionals and agencies to ensure that delivered services meet the needs of children and their families


Core Standards​

As outlined within our SEND policy, we are dedicated to achieving the Somerset Core Standards for SEND.  The Core Standards for schools in Somerset can be found here:


The Core Standards were designed to make sure that all educational settings understand and comply with updated legislation. They make it clear 'what to expect' in terms of what is provided, and are written for parents, children and young people, school staff and those who provide services to families. It describes what can be delivered from the setting, school or college's own resources which have been allocated directly. This information will form part of the 'Local Offer' that is; what can be expected for children and young people (0-25 years) in Somerset.​
