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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Achieving, Learning and Growing Together’

Road Safety

How do we keep our children safe?


- We hold whole school assemblies as well as class Wider World (PSHE) lessons about road safety and keeping safe on the roads. 

- Every year we have visitors from the  police community support officer (PCSO) or another professional from our local community to share with us the importance of keeping afe on the roads.

- Keep a look out for our top-tips and safety reminders in the newsletter letting you know trends we have noticed about helmet use, speeding, use of electric scooters, looking both ways and much more. 

- Each academic year, the Year 5 and 6 children get the opportunity to take part in the government's national Bikeability course where children will spend 2 days learning bike skills as well as all about road safety. 
