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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Embrace Opportunities, Choose Kindness, Value Everyone’

Pupil Representation

House Captains

Who are we?

Jacob (Ham Wall), Ruby (Swell Wood), Elsie (Aylesbere), Alyssa (Greylake)


How will you recognise us?

We are all in Year 6.

We wear grey blazers, red striped ties and have our coloured house badges.


What do we do?

  • We collect and present the house point totals in assembly.
  • We give school tours to visitors.
  • We lead our houses at sport's day in inter-house competitions.



Class Ambassadors

Who are we?

Iyla - Merlin

Floyd - Buzzard

Mia - Buzzard

Chadley - Kestrel

Cora - Kestrel 

Odin - Eagle

Laila - Eagle

Archie - Osprey

Ella - Osprey

Darcy - Hobby

Libby - Hobby



How will you recognise us?

We wear green 'Class Ambassador' badges


What we do:

  • We welcome visitors to our class and tell them about our learning.  
  • We love answering questions about our class and school.
  • We welcome any new children who join our class and help them through their first days at our school.



Student Council:

Who are we?


Year 1 - Teddy & Lyla

Year 2 - Willow & Amelia

Year 3 - Cora & Harrison

Year 4 - Oliver, Alfie & Laila

Year 5 - Georgia, Jack & Ella

Year 6 - Elsie & Libby


How will you recognise us?

We wear blue 'Student Council' badges.


What we do:

  • To make the school a healthier and happier place.
  • To make things better for all students including those that find things difficult.
  • To help make decisions to improve the school.


PE leaders

Who are we?

Travis, Leo H, Riley L, Darcy, Riley H


How will you recognise us?

We wear grey hoodies or polo shirts with 'PE Leader' on the back.

We are all in Year 6.


What do we do:

  • We run games and activities for other classes at break and lunchtime
  • We support younger children during sporting events
  • We help out at lunch times to make sure everyone is making good choices

Eco Warriors

Who are we?

Joel, Lola, Beatrice, Laila, William, Jack, Ella, Annabelle


How will you recognise us?

We wear green Eco-Group badges and you will see us out and about helping or environment.


What do we do:


  • We work together, to help improve our school and local environment.
  • We want to raise the profile of protecting and looking after our environment.
  • We are currently meeting every other week and are working towards our Eco-Schools Green Flag award.