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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Embrace Opportunities, Choose Kindness, Value Everyone’


What can parents do?

If you believe that your child is being bullied you should:

- Assure the child that you will do something to help.

- Contact the school. Please do not use social media to voice your concerns; please let the school investigate allegations. Normally the first point of contact should be the class teacher.

- Keep a diary of incidents with names, places and times.

-If you suspect your child of bullying, talk to them and try to find out why they are behaving in this way.



How does the school deal with bullying?

- We talk about bullying in class and in assembly.

- There are posters that were drawn up by our Student Voice group displayed in playground noticeboards.

- We always encourage children to tell a trusted adult. We regularly talk about bullying and what to do about it in assemblies and all children understand the language of ‘trusted adult’. 

- Initial meetings are held with both the bullied child and the child accused of bullying. A meeting with both children together might at this stage be appropriate.

- The investigation will be recorded on a ‘Record of Bullying Behaviour’ form.

- Parents of both children will be informed. It may be appropriate for parents being asked to meet with relevant staff at school.

- We record all incidents of bullying on a Child-on-child recording form.

- In addition to appropriate sanctions for bullying behaviour in line with the school behaviour policy, the reasons why a child is bullying are explored. A course of action is agreed to help both the child being bullied and the child who is bullying.

Please see our behaviour policy for more information surrounding our school's procedures: 

