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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Embrace Opportunities, Choose Kindness, Value Everyone’

Kestrel - Mrs Bridgeman and Miss Baker (Year 2/3)

Our Kestrel Staff

Hello and welcome to Spring term in Kestrel class!



In English this half term, we are continuing to focus on our joined handwriting, punctuating different sentence types and using descriptive techniques. We will also be working on using commas as well as conjunctions to extend our sentences. We will use the book 'Ice Trap!' to inspire us with our writing.


As requested, please see below for a break down of our Year 2 phonics in order to support at home. 


In Maths, we are continuing to work on our addition and subtraction, measure and our multiples of 2, 5, 10 as well as 3. We are going to be learning our multiples of 3 as well as identifying and working with fractions. 


Please see our class' curriculum map on our school's curriculum page linked here:

Our P.E day this year is on a Thursday. This half term our PE unit is 'dance'. Please could children ensure they come in wearing their P.E kits on this day as well as Friday for Outdoor Learning.


Reading diaries and Homework will be checked every Monday. Children are expected to read at least 5 times a week. If homework or reading is not completed, children will be expected to do this in their own time, where an adult in school can support them.

Kestrel Contact Details

If you would like to send us us an email, please do contact us here and Mrs Bridgeman will be in touch.
