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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Embrace Opportunities, Choose Kindness, Value Everyone’

Merlin – Miss Stockford (Reception)

Autumn 2024


Welcome to Merlin.  It's a really exciting time as Merlins start school for the first time.  Learning moves forward very quickly, and you will be amazed at the progress children will make in their first term.   

Our first weeks at school are spent getting to know the children and assessing children's starting points (including the Government's statutory baseline assessment).  These will be shared at our first parents evening.  Learning will be focused on the Prime Areas, particularly Communication and Language, whilst children share their interests.


Outdoor learning - Mondays (school trousers/black leggings/joggers and normal school uniform top half)

PE day - Wednesdays - please come to school in PE kit

Friday - normal uniform


Please also ensure spare clothing and wellies are kept at school (named).


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to see me - don't let worries build up when they can be easily solved, however small. 


I am so looking forward to sharing your child's learning adventures with you. Please ensure your Tapestry information is up to date - I have sent out activation links to new parents who have filled in forms - there are a few outstanding so please send them to the office so we can share photos of our first week!  UPDATE: thank you - everyone has now completed their Tapestry forms and have been activated - please check spam if you haven't already activated your account. Please let me know if you have problems!


Many thanks for your support

Miss Stockford

Merlin's contact details

Please leave a message and Miss Stockford will be in touch.
