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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Embrace Opportunities, Choose Kindness, Value Everyone’

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding is an annual allocation of funds from the Government given to schools across the country. Each school’s funding allocation is calculated according to the number of pupils at the school who have been registered as eligible for ‘free school meals’ (FSM) in the last six years and for children who are ‘Looked After’ (CLA) for more than six months.


These funds are used to provide additional support and intervention for all students, but with a particular focus on those in receipt of FSM and those who are CLA. A key area where these funds are targeted is to ensure the continued personal, social and emotional progress of children as well as academic achievement.


If you think that you may qualify, please either ask for a form in the school office, or apply directly on the Somerset County Council website using this link: 


Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant, how we allocate the funding and the role of our Pupil Premium Champion.

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement


Pupil Premium Champion:

The Pupil Premium Lead for the school is Mrs Vicki Bell. 


It is their role to

  • ensure that the pupil premium funding reaches the groups of pupils for whom it is intended and that it makes a significant impact on their education.
  • identify disadvantaged pupils' barriers to learning in order to design, lead and deliver appropriate intervention strategies.
  • To assess and evaluate the effectiveness of provision for pupil premium and vulnerable pupils and review the action plan as appropriate.
  • To ensure that staff are aware of pupil premium and vulnerable pupils’, their progress and their needs. 
  • To provide highly visible support for the school’s pupil premium policy around the school.
  • To support, educate and liaise with parents/carers to create and promote positive working relationships and to raise aspirations.
  • To provide a summary of pupil progress and strategies for the next academic year for the annual pupil premium report to be published on the school website as required by the conditions of the pupil premium grant.
  • To interact on a professional level with colleagues in order to promote a mutual understanding of identified pupil premium and closing the gap priorities, with the aim of improving teaching and learning across the school, leading to the raising of attainment for disadvantaged pupils.

Articles and advice to support children and young people:
