Welcome to Hobby class page!
Please find below: information about Hobby Class, examples of our incredible learning and ways to contact us!
Hobby Teaching Team
Mrs Bell Mrs Hellyer Mr Clark
Our weekly routine.
In Hobby class, Mrs Bell teaches each morning. During the afternoon (whilst she completes SENDCo duties) Mrs Hellier, Mr Clark and Mr Byles teach the children.
We are very lucky in Hobby class to be able to access a variety of sports and activities in scheduled PE lessons 3 times per week. Please can children come in their PE kits on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Golden Rules
At Westonzoyland, we all follow the Golden Rules in order to ensure that everyone has a good experience of school. As the oldest in the school, Hobby class are responsible for being good role models for behaviour for the younger children.
In May, all Year 6 children across the country take Standardised Assessments. More information will be available closer to the time. However, in the meantime please reinforce to your children that there is no pressure. Your child's enjoyment of school, thirst for learning and acquisition of new skills and knowledge continue to be our main priority.
Home Learning
Each week, the children will be expected to complete home learning alongside daily reading at home. This is to prepare children for the increased expectation of secondary school. All home learning will be made up of consolidation tasks to reinforce the learning that is done in school, so all concepts should be familiar to the children.
For the first 4 weeks of the Autumn Term, we have been learning about comic writing techniques and writing funny stories using the book 'The Day the Screens Went Blank' by Danny Wallace as inspiration.
We are learning how to use modal verbs and adverbs of possibility to describe characters emotions, discuss 'old technology' and practice using commas, colons and semi-colons correctly.
The children have also been working hard to improve their handwriting, showing clear ascenders and descenders and consistently joining their writing.
Our first topic is all about Bridgwater Carnival! We will be learning about the history of carnival and why it is so important to our local town. We will be thinking about light and sound and how these work to enable us to see and hear the carnival carts. We will also be learning about electricity and what type of circuits are used aboard the carts. We will think about where people travel from and use our geographical skills to place these on a map.
In art, we will be learning about street art and exploring painting techniques. We will look at the art of local street artist Banksy and his influence on street art
In RSHE we will be learning about how to look after our own well-being, as well as how to stay safe online.
Times Table Rockstars
Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables! To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds! The goal is for all participating rockers to be Times Table Rock Stars after 20 weeks.
Please check your child's reading record book for their login details!
Friday 10th November
Today we have been learning about the Hindu festival Diwali, which takes place in Autumn. This festival is also known as the festival of light, celebrating and welcoming goodness. We discussed what happens during this 5 day festival such as present giving, fireworks, cleaning of houses and decorating beautiful Rangoli patterns and Mandalas. We also introduced the story of Rama and Sita. We then produced our own Mandala, everyone was tasked with dividing their circle into 1/8s to support us in being as symmetrical as possible. Hobby class took this very seriously and worked with such patience to produce their best work. They also produced a class poster about Diwali adding different facts that they had learnt throughout our lesson.
We have loved looking at the art produced throughout the school!
In Yoga this half term, we have been focussing on building our skills to regulate our emotions. We have played games to build our teamwork and resilience and the children have enjoyed their relaxation sessions at the end of each class.