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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Embrace Opportunities, Choose Kindness, Value Everyone’

Learning Pictures

Thursday 30th November 

Today we have been exploring different mechanisms. We focused on making sliders today after looking at the story the Gingerbread Man. The children were all able to use a slider to make a picture move! They all picked their favourite character to chase the Gingerbread Man and were very happy with the final product. smiley

Friday 10th November 

Today we have been learning about Remembrance, we also observed a two minute silence at 11am to pay our respects to humans and animals who have dedicated their lives to serving the country. 

We were so proud of how everyone conducted themselves during this time.

This week we worked on making our own poppies to create a poppy wreath to be displayed outside our classroom.

Thursday 9th November 

Today we have been learning about the Hindu festival Diwali, which takes place in Autumn. This festival is also known as the festival of light, celebrating and welcoming goodness. We discussed what happens during this 5 day festival such as present giving, fireworks, cleaning of houses and decorating beautiful Rangoli patterns and Mandalas. We then produced our own Mandala the year ones were challenged to incorporate elements of symmetry in theirs and the year 2s focused on creating a completely symmetrical Mandala. This was a great chance to show what they have learnt during our symmetry lessons in Maths this term. 

Thursday 12th October

KS1 had a fantastic morning doing all things carnival! We absolutely loved having parent/grandparent helpers in today to help us make our very own carts.

We want to say a massive thank you to all those who could make it, and for those who couldn’t sending in lots of boxes, lids and lovely resources to help make our floats. It was great seeing everyone working together. The children worked hard on their plans, using these to support their building today. They also evaluated their efforts thinking about what worked well and how they would improve things or do things differently another time.

“ I liked when I painted my cart and mummy being in.”


“ I liked building the carnival carts because ours had teeth and spikes on. It was the best morning with my dad.”


“I liked painting and putting decorations on my float.”


“I had fun doing painting with my friends mummy and her.”


“I liked building the cart with my friend and my grandad, I made it so stuff moved up and forward.”


“I liked tidying up the hall.”
