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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Embrace Opportunities, Choose Kindness, Value Everyone’

Information for parents

I have added a link to our useful resources home learning page.

Here you will find the phonics mats that we use at school, number grids, and number lines. 

Useful resources

I am finding it difficult to create a tab in Google Classroom with a link to some really useful resources and videos that will be used throughout home learning. Therefore I thought I would put these things on the webpage so that you can come here to find resources to support all in the same place. 


One of the main things I would really encourage is to practice common exception words and our tricky words. This is because they will rely heavily on these words to read and to write. This is an excellent time to really get to grips with these words. The activities also provide a great chance for the children to work completely independently, this might give you some time to catch up on work emails and juggle work and home school. I will still assign this work on Google Classroom, but this page will have all the resources that will be used throughout. So it is a great place to come when you have a spare 15 minutes and want the children to have some time practicing on their own. 


Speed sounds 

We use these in every phonics lessons, they will continue to support their sounding, reading, and writing.


Tricky words

What are Common Exception Words?

This is a short video explaining what common exception words are. This might be useful for parents to have a watch :).

Year 1 exception words.

Each common exception word is read aloud to the children. They can sit and listen to these so that they are being exposed to how they are pronounced and how they look as a word, and then they can join in when they become more familiar. Practicing their common exception words once a day will be very beneficial and they should start to get to know these by heart.

Tricky Words and Sight Words Song

A song using tricky words and common exception words- I have to say at school I find with the children in Buzzard class this year that they respond so well to any song with educational concepts in. I think they would really enjoy this. *Be prepared for this song to get stuck in your head!*

Phase 4 Tricky Words Song Sight Words Song for said, have, like, come, some, what, when

Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To

Year 1 common exception words 5 minutes tidy up song

A mixture of sounds and common exception words- I think this one is great because this video is less scaffolded (this means the children are doing most of the work). Again a great way to start off the day! They could set themselves a target to see if they can read more exception words each time the see the video.



Homework- Reading 


The children will be expected to read at least 5 times at home during the week. Please could you write in the name of the book and pages read and sign this in your child’s reading log. I will be collecting these in every Friday to monitor reading of the previous week. It is important that your child practises their reading at home to ensure they make good progress. This year we will be particularly focussing on fluency and expression. Children make better progress in these skills with books that they are familiar and comfortable with. Therefore, please try to read each book that is sent home at least twice. 

Phonics screening 
