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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Embrace Opportunities, Choose Kindness, Value Everyone’

Student Council Impact Spring/Summer 2022



Action: We suggested Play equipment that could be ordered to improve activity levels at playtime.

Outcome: Mrs Garbett shared this list with Mr Warner.  A play equipment order has now been placed


Action: We suggested a list of clubs that we would like to have offered.

Outcome: Mrs Garbett shared this list with Mr Warner who was going to talk to staff about what clubs they would be able to offer.


Action: We gave feedback on the current lunchtime arrangements now that we are all mixing

Outcome: All members were enjoying the new arrangements there were no further actions needed here.


SV designed a letter that was displayed on the playground and sent out to parents to keep them informed about bullying:







Action: Whilst all KS1 classes were regularly getting sessions of outdoor learning, no KS2 classes were.  SV thought that outdoor learning was important because of the chance for exercise, learning about our environment and wider learning opportunities.

Outcome: Mrs Garbett will send a reminder to all staff about the importance of outdoor learning.  SV group will report back about whether this has had an impact at next meeting.


Action: SV are keen for out of school trips and learning opportunities to recommence as soon as possible.  

Outcomes: Mrs Garbett will talk to staff and is optimistic that all classes will have at least 2 trips out before the end of the year.


Action: Mrs Garbett asked the SV for their feedback on school lunches.

Outcomes: Mrs Garbett has given the feedback to our area meals inspector and it has been fed to the managers at our school meal provider.  Mrs Garbett asked the older SV members to be vigilant for any meals that they felt were not up to standard and to alert our school staff to them.

SV designed a poster about healthy snacks and agreed what should be allowed at breaktime.  This is displayed on the playground and has been sent home to parents:





Action: Looking at healthy lunch boxes.  How can we increase the balance of our lunchboxes and ensure that children and parents are making informed choices without any foods being demonised.

We decided to create our own version of the Eatwell Plate so that all food groups are represented but in better quantities.

Outcome: Mrs Garbett asked SV to illustrate versions of the Eatwell Plate so that she can create our own version with lunchbox suggestions that can be sent home to parents.


Action: It has been raised in some classes that there aren't enough library books at certain colours.  SV raised their thoughts on book bands that could do with more choice.

Outcome: Mrs Garbett recruited two SV members to help her as librarians.  Mrs Garbett has ordered over 120 books for the top three colour bands which were raised as a concern and we will continue to sort and update books.


Action: SV had a list of items that they wanted updates to or wished to suggest going forward.  Mrs Garbett made a list of these and will feed back at the next meeting.





Action: We went through the list of SV queries from the last meeting.  Mrs Garbett fed back on what she had found out.

Outcomes:  Eatwell plate templates handed out to everyone who wanted one.  Please can these be in by Monday.


Action:  What does well-being mean to us?  The SV group drew up a list of ideas and from this created a definition of wellbeing.  We then created a list of the things in school that have a positive impact on our well-being.  Key themes were - praise and success, being active and outside, connections with others and having time and space to process big emotions.

Outcomes: Mrs Garbett is going to take this information to the Wellbeing Action Group and the school staff so that it can be carefully considered when these groups are making decisions.


Action: Some classes are reporting that they are still not having regular outdoor learning.

Outcome: Mrs Garbett to chase this.


Action: Mrs Garbett outlined the next topic skills to be covered and asked the student voice what they wanted the topic to be.  We took a total of 10 suggestions and then voted on them.  We decided that our next topic will be Crime and Punishment.

Outcome: Mrs Garbett will inform staff and this will now become a perminent part of our curriculum.


Action: Discussing the School Development Plan for next year and populating the pupil section of our work on resilience.

Outcome:  The group put forward many ideas about things they felt were important for building resilience and these will be added to the SDP.


The SV group expressed that they were keen to be involved in the re-development of the school behaviour policy, so this will be on the agenda for next meeting.




Action: Today we spent the whole meeting discussing the school behaviour policy and laying out the principles of what we thought about good behaviour in a school.  We looked at what we would like to change and what we want to keep.   We also thought about how we could make the behaviour policy meaningful to all the children in the school and easy to remember.

Outcome: Mrs Garbett is going to type up all of the ideas and they are going to be used in the new school behaviour policy.


