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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Achieving, Learning and Growing Together’

Kestrel - Mrs Bridgeman (Year 2/3)

Our Kestrel Staff

Hello and welcome to Summer term in Kestrel class!



In English this half term, we will practising the skills needed to write diaries,  letters as well as adventure stories based on the book 'Nim's Island'.  We will be using commas in lists, apostrophes for possession, irregular past tense verbs, description and thinking about paragraphing. 


In Maths, we will be revising our 4 operations as well as our fractions and measurement work, we will also be learning about shape and graphs.


Please see our class' curriculum map on our school's curriculum page linked here:

Our P.E day this year is a Thursday. Please could children ensure they come in wearing their P.E kits. This half term our unit is Athletics. 


Reading diaries and Homework will be checked every Monday. Children are expected to read at least 5 times a week. 

22.4.24 - We had such an awesome visit from the Space Dome this week!!

Here we are chopping, peeling, grating and tasting our seasonal vegetables ready to make our vegetable tarts. They were delicious!!

In computing, we have been learning all about the inside of a computer; here are our model laptops with the attached inputs and outputs.

We have been learning about forces in Science this half term and enjoyed testing cars on different surfaces when learning about friction!

8.2.24 - What a brilliant day at Noah's Ark Zoo Farm to finish off the end of our 'Rainforest' topic - it was certainly wet just like the rainforest but not quite so warm!!

30.1.24 - In Science, we have been learning about the parts of a plant, their life cycle and what plants need to grow. We experimented by working out what happens to cress seeds in different places around our school.

10.1.24 - We enjoyed getting practical with our measuring in maths this week!

Our AMAZING year 3 choristers at this year's Nativity.

21.11.23 - We loved finding about what it is like to work in a real life Science laboratory today with a special guest speaker!

17.11.23 - Happy Children in Need!!

12.10.23 - A huge THANK YOU to all of the parents, carers and friends who came to help us with our carnival carts! We had such a brilliant morning making our floats with moving wheels!!

We have loved getting out in the gardening area where we have been looking at seasonal changes and clearing it ready for the winter months.

11.10.23 - Today in music we had great fun listening to and copying rhythms and beats. We even composed some of our our rhythms on music bars and performed them to the class

9.10.23 - We have been using our problem solving skills to find multiple solutions to a given calculation. Some of us worked in pairs and some of us chose to use cubes to help us. Look at us go!

28.9.23 - In art we have been looking at mixing secondary and tertiary colours and today we were inspired by the work of Robert & Sonia Delaunay.

We have been working hard on our place value knowledge and have been linking this to money. We have loved using concrete maths resources to help us with our understanding.

19.9.23 - Today in Science we carried out an experiment testing and measuring how shadows change when we position a torch closer or further away.

Kestrel Contact Details

If you would like to send us us an email, please do contact us here and Mrs Bridgeman will be in touch.
