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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Embrace Opportunities, Choose Kindness, Value Everyone’

Student Council Impact Spring 2023



Feedback on previous actions:


  • WZ talent show - Mrs G has spoken to Miss Grant about this and she has agreed this is a good idea for the end of year performance.
  • Golden Table at lunchtime.  Miss Rolls has agreed to do this starting next week.
  • Dip in the surface of the infant playground.  Mrs G has had this filled.


Student raised issues:


PE leader related:

  • PE leaders not putting out equipment early enough at breaktimes.  Z explained that they can only go out when their lessons finish.  Mrs G suggested putting equipment out at the start of the day.  Z said this would be a good solution for dry days.
  • Basketballs are flat.  Z is going to pass on to the PE Leaders to sort this.


School improvement and safety:

  • Broken PE shed.  Hobby members are going to ask Mr Warner about PE funding to put in a new shed.
  • Removal of old basket ball hoops when the new equipment goes in.
  • Children were interested in having book corners in their classrooms.  Mrs G said that the PTFA were about to give us money to support with reading in classrooms.
  • Cleaning the outside gates.  SV commented that there was moss on the gates at the front of the school.
  • We discussed the height and safety of our gates and compared them with other schools.  We decided that although our gates could be higher or spikier, we felt that this would not be a warm welcome for children or families.
  • SV expressed their anticipation of being able to get out and planting in the garden areas again as spring comes around.



  • There were a few instances of minor playground behaviour mentioned.  Children commented that children were not listening to adults and strategies like taking time out should be used to combat this.  Mrs G will remind staff about this.



  • SV to talk to their teachers if there are particular clubs that they would like to be offered.
  • SV commented that some of our dictionaries were damaged and needed replacing.  We will look at future PTFA funding to support this.





Checking in with our aims:


We checked back in with the aims we drew up at the beginning of the year.


How have we made the school a healthier place?

New playground equipment, installing new goals, lunchbox and snack policies.


How have we made the school a happier place?

Golden table at lunchtime, new equipment, changing the behaviour policy, asking the PTFA for book corner money.


How have we made life better for students?

Designing new curriculum topics, fought for school trips, clubs and outdoor learning to return.  Suggesting new equipment.  Having input into policies and school development.





We carried out a marking questionnaire.  Mrs Garbett is going to use this to re-write the markign policy.  Some children had very strong views and Mrs G went into their classrooms after the meeting so that they could show her their concerns.  These were all followed up.

Mrs G will now draw up the new marking policy and present this to staff.



Actions from last week:


These were reported on.



Actions from previous meeting:


  • Marking.  Mrs G updated SV about the changes to the marking policy from last week and that she had spoken to the two teachers in the classes where SV members were concerned about marking.  SV children had already seen changes in these classes.
  • PTFA have donated £100 per class for book corners.
  • Mr Warner has agreed to a new PE shed.  This won't be actioned until after the hoops and goals are in on the playground.


This was a student led meeting where we raised any points from our class.


The following members had actions to follow up on:


ZL - To talk to Mr Warner about classes having their own labelled footballs in the hopes that they look after them and there are some to play with at lunchtimes.


LS - To talk to his class teacher about having cloakroom monitors to keep cloakrooms tidy through the day (any other SV members who are finding this an issue can also talk to their class teachers.


EP - To talk to her class teacher about incorporating Spanish in their everyday classroom language (outside of lessons).  Other SV members where this is an issue can do likewise.


GS - To talk to lunch staff about keeping an eye out for children dropping food on the floor at lunchtimes.  KS2 are stepping on dropped food.


EB - To talk to lunch staff about letting whichever class is in the hall first line up first for meal as there are no portion differences.


AG - To remind staff that there should not be any fidget toys out in class unless it is part of a child's ILP.


