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Westonzoyland Primary School ‘Achieving, Learning and Growing Together’

Eagle - Miss Preston Year 4

We start every morning with a spelling and grammar task that leads on from our previous learning.
Then we focus on English until break time. 
After break time, we focus on Maths until 12pm.
Between 12pm and lunch time we have class reader.
In Key stage 2 we have playtime from 12:15pm to 12:45pm when we go for lunch.
We make time for Quiet Reading every afternoon. We hear readers every day and we go to the library to swap reading books throughout the week. 
In the afternoon we do Science, History, Geography, computing, Wider World and PE. Our PE day is on Tuesday.

In yoga, we explored ‘lion’s breath’ to energise ourselves. some children volunteered to lead a round of sun salutations for the rest of the class. We practised our resilience with our group and partner work and finished with our relaxation at the end of the session.

In English, we had fun re-enacting our story of ‘The three little pigs’ by creating freeze frames in our groups.

As part of our new Rainforest topic, we learned about Mayan glyphs and created our own calendar glyphs.

We have ended our carnival topic by creating some amazing carnival carts from cardboard boxes.

We joined a rainforest themed yoga class and travelled through the Amazon ,ending by relaxing on our 'river rafts.'

As part of our rainforest project, we have been creating animals we would find in the rain forest using various mediums.

The children wrote about how help protect the planet within school and then produced convincing presentations to Mr Clark who was very impressed.

We researched endangered animals then after selecting three, we created infographics with the information we had gathered.

We ran a very chilly Santa dash today!

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